Post your missed connections below.
"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" ...
... is what i would say if i were a complete pussy!!!!! get real. it's the 21st century and i'm not giving up on you so easily, p.j. "we're going to college, we both know long distance never works." get REAL. p.j., ever hear of a little something called a telephone? no? well, maybe you shouldn't be going to college after all if you flunked alexander graham bell class!
on top of that, ever hear of something called the world wide web? email? instant messaging? it's the 21st century, and there are all sorts of ways to stay in touch. long distance never works? maybe it didn't work for people in the 20th century, but in case you hadn't noticed, p.j., it's the 21st. so put on your big boy hat and get with program!
on top of that, i'm going to be visiting you twice a week because our colleges are only four hours apart. p.j., ever hear of a little thing called a car? maybe not but i have. it's a little something from the early 20th century, so get with the program.
ever heard of something called true love? what we have together is true love, p.j., in case you hadn't noticed. we kiss the way that true lovers do, and you'd throw that away because you want to rub noses with some trust fund babty in khakis at "stanford"? pathetic. get real, p.j., and get with the program!
so i am hereby refusing your breakup! we're still dating, and if you don't like it you can take it up with dating police (which don't exist). i am coming over right now to snuggle so get with the program!
my dating life has been slow for some time now due to my skin conditions and personality. i try not to let it get me down. but as 30 approaches, it's beginning to look like i'll never meet my knight in shining armour!
so imagine my surprise when you strut handsomely into my life... what can i say but wowza! not only are you like two meters tall (only slightly exaggerating), your sense of personal style is insane! i'm floored. the problem is, my personality makes me very bad at flirting, such that the only way i can flirt is to read prewritten flirtatious phrases off a notecard.
in the past this has not worked well. at uni, one bloke i was pursuing said, 'are you reading off a notecard right now?' and actually ripped it up right before my eyes! he was in chess club and had a limp, so i'm not sure where he got the courage to turn me down like that.
really hoping you see this. honestly i CANNOT take my eyes off you during our commute. one time you asked me, 'can i help you?' and i panicked so badly that i pulled the bus's emergency stop cord, and the old french bus driver who i think is gay yelled at me.
if you see this: we would be great together. if you want to date, bring me a white rose on monday morning. i love you already, and again i really love your sense of personal style.
I'm kneeling at my shrine to you as I write this. I have gathered tokens of my affection that, I hope, are pleasing to you: candles, incense, Webkinz, printouts of our chatlogs. The shrine is still a work in progress, but every day I add to it and am pleased at the visual representation of my growing love for you.
When we met on Webkinz we were just kids. But do they not say that love founded in youth is the strongest of all? That neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can break that love?
I confess I have tried to date other people. My dates try to impress me with their pitiful posturing. When they kiss me good night, I barely kiss back because I am thinking of the time you and I made our Webkinz kiss by having our avatars stand really close together.
Then, as now, I could not contain my love for you. When I kept writing "kiss kiss kiss" in the chat and Webkinz banned me for 24 hours, I was not sad. In fact I was glad to have expressed my feelings for you openly and honestly. Of course I did spend those 24 hours crying and my mom had to give me two Benadryl to get me to calm down.
Your Webkinz profile says you haven't logged on for 15 years. Why? Do I mean nothing to you? Do your Webkinz, who suffer from loneliness and starvation, mean nothing to you?
You can PM me here or on the Adultkinz Discord community. Be warned that, although I do love you, if you continue this pathetic silence I will have no choice but to destroy your shrine. For now the candles and incense burn; one day the entire thing may go up in flames... The choice is yours.
Tuesday morning. I was the guy in a trench coat leering at you from the top floor of the parking garage. Message me with what color blouse you were wearing.
you and i met last halloween at an rp party. i'll be honest, i was on a lot of hard drugs at the time, so i do not remember your name or where this party was.
however, i remember you vividly bc we engaged in some memorable vampire rp. i played an old, experienced vampiress with a troubled past & you played a young scholar who comes to my castle to conduct researches on vampirism.
when you inquired abt my troubled past i raised my arms to reveal my custom-tailored vampire cloak w/ velvet lining. then i vampire walked to you & bit you on the neck.
you got the event organizer involved, saying this girl just bit me. I was like wth, this is immersive rp, how is it immersive if i, a vampire, don't get to bite people? the organizer sent some b to CVS to get alcohol wipes to treat your ""wound"" meanwhile this big guy in naruto cosplay basically dragged me out of the party. total bs. however i did not break character and stood in the lawn for some time flapping my cloak.
if you are interested in meeting up again message me, i have workshopped my vampiress character so she's now half vampire/half werewolf and would be very interested in seeing how that dynamic plays out w/ your character.
It's time for me to come clean about a pattern of inappropriate behavior I've engaged in over the past 6 months. Before anyone judges me, keep in mind that I feel VERY BAD about this. If you are one of the individuals affected by my behavior, I'M VERY SORRY. The truth is I have some impulse control issues I'm working through in therapy/with my spiritual advisor.
About six months ago I met a woman through my church, let's call her Lisa. Lisa and I got along right away. We were jointly in charge of organizing the church's very first potluck, a huge affair that we expected practically the whole churchgoing community to attend. Needless to say we were stressed out, neither of us having organized a potluck of this magnitude.
Did I like Lisa? Truthfully? Yes. Not only did I like Lisa, I like-liked Lisa, wanted to marrry Lisa, start a family together, etc., etc. The problem is I am a Catholic priest and thus forbidden from marrying. For a while, as we feverishly organized the church potluck together at night in the big, empty church, I considered giving up priesthood altogether. At risk of angering God, Whom by all accounts you do not want to anger. That's how hard I fell for Lisa!! Lisa, if you're reading this, you're so cool!!
Anyway, the night of the potluck came around, and my feelings for Lisa had not waned. It fact they had GROWN. That's what we in the religious community call an "uh oh."
Lisa came up to me at the beginning of the potluck, as people were starting to arrive, and said gee, how great is it that our hard organizational work is paying off, this is going to be a great potluck, doesn't the chicken salad look scrumptious, etc. And then she left to eat/socialize with her family. Lisa being MARRIED.
Well, you can imagine that watching Lisa eat with her boorish lout of a husband really galled me. I thought, well, the boorish lout (husband) needs to leave the picture, if Lisa and I are to be together.
SO. I took Lisa's husband aside, telling him there was something I needed to speak with him about URGENTLY, in the privacy of the CONFESSIONAL.
The husband was like, Father, what did you want to tell me? And I was like listen here you little punk. God told me he's mad at you, told me you're going to burn in H-E-double hockey sticks (I did say the word at the time), etc. The husband thought it was a joke! He said, wow, good one Father, you should do like some Christian-oriented stand-up or something.
That's when I started yelling. (Luckily the chatter of the potluck drowned out my yelling.) I said, NO, I am NOT joking, I had a RELIGIOUS VISION in which GOD, appearing to me as a PILLAR OF HOLY LIGHT, essentially DAMNED YOU, said there was no saving your ROTTEN FESTERING SOUL, and so on and so forth. The husband got really quiet. Then I said that according to God (Who by the way had not said this, I made it up), the only way to save your soul was to go on a 40-year religious pilgrimage in the Great White Wastes of Canada.
During this pilgrimage (I continued), you must contemplate the fact that you are a sinner and praise God internally on a minute-by-minute basis. Otherwise: eternal damnation. He really did not like this. He actually started crying, saying how hard it was to hear this devastating spiritual news from a religious teacher he respected and trusted implictly, etc.
Get this: The husband ACTUALLY LEFT. On the PILGRIMAGE. Lisa came to me the next week, absolutely devastated, with a note from the husband that read: I'm sorry, I'm going on a 40-year pilgrimage, please give my love to the girls. I love you.
Ummmmm, wowzers! I had NOT expected that to work. Now that I have worked through all of this in therapy, I know that I should not have lied about the religious vision to Lisa's husband and sent him on that pilgrimage. I've done a lot of work on myself. I also know that I shouldn't have done what I did next.
Basically, Lisa was devastated. She had just lost her husband to the pilgrimage and was faced with the prospect of raising three girls as a single mother. That's TOUGH. As we worked though this issue together in my office, I noticed that she was still really attached to her husband's memory. She still LOVED her husband. Weird about the love, considering his boorish loutishness, but anyway... I needed to destroy this love, in order to make Lisa more receptive to our being together.
Her husband had written several checks to the church over the years. These I found in our bookkeeping office. Using the checks as a model, I forged the husband's handwriting to write a series of letters to Lisa, which I mailed with no return address. In the first letter I said: Hey Lisa. It's me, your husband. I LIED about the religious pilgrimage, and am in fact partying with a bunch of babes in a big party bus/van. Although I am your husband and a father to our children, I intend NEVER to return, because, again, I am so absorbed in partying.
The subsequent letters just escalated this basic message. "Lisa, I'm writing to you from a rooftop hot tub, I'm having a blast here, I never respected you..." That kind of thing. Lisa did NOT take this well. She kept bringing the letters to my office and crying and talking about how the life he and she had built together had been one big sham, etc. Wow! I was good. Then, get this, she said: I can't raise the girls alone, I just can't.
That sounded like an IN for me. So, naturally, I started saying things like, you will find love again, sometimes people fall in love in unexpected ways, like for instance while planning big events together. God has a plan! I really underscored God's having a plan for her, which I believe He does, even if that plan involves my totally reworking her and her husband's lives.
Anyway, she left my office. Then I felt guilty and did a bunch of therapy to work through that guilt. My therapist helped me realize that manipulation has been a pattern throughout my adult life, and that I need to stop if I want to have a functional relationship. Of course I'm still mailing the letters, but I feel really bad about it. If Lisa and I get married, that'll be it. I'll stop once and for all. Lisa, if you're reading this, sorry. I hope you can understand! Also, I hope you can forgive me for using your real name in this post, I couldn't think of any other name for you.
Drama free, party friendly bachelor seeking someone to pamper. Interested? You are going to be soooo pampered. Old friends and new faces welcome at my place, the pamper palace.
As you will discover if you accept this invitation, they don't call me the Prince of Pampering for nothing. Right off the bat you'll get a massage (am a registered masseur), I will light some incense, and what's that? Oh it's the soothing harp music I put on in the background... So yeah you will be pampered.
Trying to find a guy to be a father figure to me. I already have a father who's an ok father figure, but I could use a second father figure. Send pics please
You don't know it yet but you are my kissybear.
ummmmm i'm pretty nervous about this :3 i'm not used to sharing my feelings bc of some things in my past i don't want to talk about right now. :3
ok so you came into the coffee shop where i work in seattle WA. this was last sat. morning, our busy morning!! i rlly wanted to talk w you but i was busy making drinks uggghhhhhh. CAPITALISM. ARRGGG. haha. you were like super tall for a girl, and your boots made you even taller, which like omg absolutely slayed me. like dragon slayer territory!!!!
you ordered a drip coffee.i said do you want cream in that? and you said no i drink it black! personally i can't drink it black bc of a taste bud disorder but i thought you drinking it black was super unique, bc normally only old men drink it black lolol.
plus your laptop was covered in cute stickers for MCR, blink 182, and other good indie bands like the beatles. i rlly wanted to ask for your insta/snap but like i said we were busy, and then you just left. dun dun dunnnn. my name is toby what's yours
Come on bro I didn't mean it that way. Unblock me so we can go back to the way it was before. You really gonna make me crush this sixer by myself? Let's watch the guys throw the pigskin around while crushing this sixer. Two for me, four for you, because I'm just generous like that.
Jeff my man you gonna make me watch this widescreen TV all by myself? Your loss bro. Guess I have to listen to this Dolby Atmos surround sound system all by myself hahaa well more sound for me! Jeff come on don't be like this bro.
Howdy, "partner!" We had a good time together at the rec center's square dancing night. I don't normally go for those things, but I was feeling adventurous that night, and you made sure I enjoyed myself! It was a pleasure to be paired with such an experienced square dancer. We do-si-do'ed. You spun me 'round and 'round... and boy, I hoped that you'd never stop! But you did stop, and went home to your wife. Listen to me: Leave your wife. That painted hussy doesn't deserve you or your square dancing abiliies. The thought of the two of you in bed, spooning, makes me sick. SICK. What do I need to do to prove that I love you, Colton? I'm not going to stop calling you, so stop asking. I'll just keep getting burner phones at the Verizon store.
Fuck you, Colton. You're a coward. I love you, but you're a coward, too chickenshit to leave your "wife" for the woman who loves you more than she loves her own life. You're all, "Stop coming to my workplace" this, "Stop picking up my children from school" that. What's MY problem? What's your problem?
Picking up meds huh? Why don't you let me pick you up instead. You had on a green coat and boots with fur on them, you had black hair in a ponyrail. I couldn't hear what meds you were getting but as long as they weren't mental illness meds we're good. I don't fw crazy. Yea yea I don't want to hear it. You don't have a 'mental illness' you're just crazy, mental illness is fake science. DRINK COLLOIDAL SILVER
I saw you in the gas station parkling lot . I thought wow that's a goddess because you sure looked like one . How come your walking among us mere mortals lol . Anyway I'll cut to the chase, I am on probation (mail fraud) but besides that I have so much to bring to the table and would luv luvvv the opportunity to buy a goddess (you) dinner . if you see this pm me ok goddess ? how to get to http:\\ computer not going to how to fix broken computer that is not going to google .com
I never do this, but there's a first time for everything, I guess. You were browsing the used bookstore on Central. You're 5'10", maybe, blond hair, plaid shirt. When I finally worked up the courage to say hi, you didn't notice me. You were flipping through a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" and muttering, "Yes... Yes..." under your breath. You must really like books! So do I. Message me, you sweet bookish boy!
we had so much fun together. but you and me both know it was more than fun, we had something special. you were my everything, my angel. how could i know that my angel would turn into a demon. that's right when i imagine you now you have horns just like a demon!! still i pray that you will come back to me (in angel form NOT in demon form). but you wont you have HIM now (he is also a demon) and it's just like my mom and dad said demons stick together... they go to their demon parties and drink from chalices!
what am i supposed to do with all the stuff you left at my apartment. my roommate liza says what's this, and i say oh.... that belongs to that demon that broke my heart!!
i read your horoscope today. let me tell you it does not look good. your finances r going down the drain. your relationship with that demon boy, double down the drain! i am NOT joking.
look i know i've been hard on you but it's only because i love you. i even wrote a song for you called demon girl. come to my place and i will play it for you and then we can play resident evil on my playstation! fly back to me angel.
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