
If you're looking for love, you've come to the right place.

Since December 1992, we've been the Internet's #1 dating website. We've helped thousands of lonely singles find love (including some celebrities!), and we're eager to help you, too.

All you have to do is log on and open your heart to love. Say it with us: "My heart is open." (We can't hear you...) "My heart is open!" (C'mon, is that the best you can do?) "MY HEART IS OPEN!" (That's better. *smiley face*)

The "Ms. Connections" Dating Club

Good news! You don't have to date the general public anymore. (General public? More like general yuck-lic...) For a modest fee, you can join the "Ms. Connections" Dating Club, a group of elite daters who are serious about falling in love.

These daters are:

Sound like you? Good. To join, leave $500 CAD in unmarked bills in the park near the big factory.